Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hobbs Cabin Backpack

It was a really good trip. I got a bit cold. It was supposed to be 46 overnight but it was actually about 10 degrees cooler. We did 18 miles total with very little elevation change. The leaves were just beginning to change and we went past several beautiful overlooks.

The only new gear I had this time was the Big Agnes Cyclone chair kit, 6 oz., $39. It worked out just fine. I used an empty dog chow bag under it (free, after the dogs eat the food, 5 oz., water resistant) to offer a bit of protection as the instructions say to treat it gently.
The Montbell 30 degree bag is not warm enough for me but I like it so I'm goin to try to extend the rating by wearing a down jacket and pants to sleep in. I think the bag is fine but I personally must just not be as tolerant to the cold weather as I would like. I slept in the 30 degree bag plus synthetic long john tops and bottoms, synthetic t-shirt, smart wool socks, light fleece sweater and a windstopper hat. I had on my fleece gloves but pulled them off at some point. I woke up a couple of times shivering but it wasn't too bad. I wish I had brought the down jacket though.
My total skin out weight was right at 28 pounds. There was no water in the spring and we were advised to carry in all the water we would need. I took 4 liters and ended up using a little bit over 3 liters. So without the water I would have been around 22 pounds. Moving in the right direction!

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